Headshot of Allen Tipper. They have glasses, are wearing a black hat, and have a large, brown beard with streaks of gray, framed by long brown hair over their shoulders.

Click Here for Allen Tipper’s Q&A

Allen has been attending CONvergence since 2002, and hasn’t missed a single one between then and now. They have been a Subhead in Operations for quite some time, as well as a volunteer with Registration and Consuite in the early days before finding and focusing on Operations. They have also assisted with IT and SRD.

Outside of CONvergence, Allen has helped run and serve on the board of many conventions in their home state of Michigan, including running bid parties for Detcon (a NASFIC), serving on the board of Fiasco, Conclave, and Continuum, and being a Subhead of Consuite for Penguicon. They are also a common contributor to the WorldCon Business Meeting, helping to steer the future direction of WorldCons.

When not attending and helping run conventions, Allen is an IT professional with job titles like Site Reliability Engineer or DevOps Engineer, usually with Senior or soemthing in front of it these days. In the past, they’ve also been a Systems Administrator, Technical Writer, and many other things professionally. They are an avid enjoyer of all things Science Fiction, but especially books, and a moderate enjoyer of Fantasy. Allen is also an occasional Twitch streamer and speedrunner, having even run a game on the SGDQ stage (the weeks before 2017’s CONvergence, in the same hotel; yes, they were in the Doubletree for three weeks that time). They live in Lansing, Michigan. but usually work fully remotely, starting almost a decade ago.